Review of Mana Contemporary , Assignment #2

Review of Mana Contemporary Permanent Collection 2024............

Hi!!!!!!!!!!!! today my class went to Mana Contemporary in Jersey City!!!!!!! We were lucky to be able to walk to the location from our school and look at Mana's permanent collection 
Dan Flavin, John Chamberlain, Andy Warhol, and Rammellzee 

                                     When we first walked to the location, the building are humongous

As I enter the doors into Mana, the bright flashy room of Dan Flavin caught my attention, I mean how could it not look at it. 
It was a explode room of colors.
like a portal, a whole different world that was waiting for me to visit. 

Dan Flavin


To be honest, I was never really a fan of light art since it was never a meduim that interested me. 
But walking into this room it just clicked 
I started to observe the light more and how the colors shifted and blended with each other
The pictures don't do it justice, the whole installation is the experience, even when you take pictures, the photo became a piece of art itself since on the phone there is a glowing effect you wouldn't see in person. 

This one definitely looks more as a portal, the warm of the light give it a feeling of your seeing something unnatural.

                       John Chamberlain 

a New York artist in the sixties 
at first glance all I saw a jumbo works of metal all pieced together like college piece
then when I got to take a closer look I saw that they are like car parts.

The third artists need no introducing since he is probably one of the mainstream artists in pop art. 
                                      Andy Warhol
Showcasing 95 works from 1967-87
To be honest I am not a fan of Andy as a person or some of his works don't really touch me, for example the Campbell's Soup Cans are so boring to me. 
but I can put my hate for Andy aside since I was still impressed to see that Mana had his original silkscreens and I think they might be my favorites works of his
Something with the overlay of colors the effect that silkscreen has is nice to see the contrast of two bold colors put next to each other is something I enjoy looking at.  

Saving the best for last, I might have a basis because I love weird people especially weird artists like                                                          Rammellzee (1960-2010)

When we first walked in, we were in this dark room 

until our tour guide turned on the black light which was a lovely surprised to see that Rammellzee used glow in the dark paint which was really beautiful like it was a whole installation itself.
Before I talk about his work that was inside the picture above was placed right by when you enter the room, so I caught it when I was just about to leave.
It reminds me again of college art with the layering of paint and colors with his figure underneath. 

I enjoy the collection because there was a variety of artworks ranging from different media like light to sculpture to silkscreens, to paintings.



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